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He's an adult, and so am I. So are you, unless I misread your birthday, so running to Mommy seems a bit c***dish." Jenn, it's just so..." she shuddered. "He's our brother." Oh, stop thinking of him like that little snot that used to follow us around like a shadow," Jenn dismissed. "We've all grown up. In case you haven't noticed, our brother is pretty hunky. Look at those arms. They give great hugs. You should try it." I have," Jacqui replied, looking over at me. I suppose the initial surprise was wearing off, and Jenn's words were starting to get through. She smiled slightly."Well, he's also good with his hands, and a surprisingly hot kisser," Jenn grinned. "I know it doesn't fit with your narrow view of the world, but we're not hurting anyone, so I would ask that you keep it to yourself." She looked in my direction, and continued. "You could use a little of his attention yourself. I can tell you, it feels wonderful."Jacqui sat on the bed, obviously thinking it through. Since we had. We left the gold on the truck in the barn and under a tarp. We used the minivan for this trip. We were two seats shy but the younger ones crouched down. This was the first time in a long time that none of us were armed. I had the silver lightning bolt, but that was like using the howitzer. I had tried it once and put it away for later. I figured that Zeus must have had one of these. The girls had decorative swords with scabbards that could be for gifts. As a last resort, they would defend us.The newcomers were amazed at everything and they had already been in the other trucks, including the pickup. This was different though. They looked out the widows at the lights and the vehicles flashing by as we went faster than they had ever gone before except by way of a portal.When we pulled up to the house, Caiti was the first out. She ran across the grass to hug her Grandma and then her Grampie. I ushered everyone inside and said my own hellos to my parents. They were hugged by those they.
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